Black Swamp Creek
Land Trust
Redbud Tree Planting 2024
BSCLT, the community conservation organization serving Baden-Aquasco-Croom-Brandywine, invites you to join us in planting sapling Redbud trees this spring to beautify our local roadsides.
Redbuds attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, provide color throughout seasons and are drought tolerant.
If interested in planting Redbuds, please contact us.
Volunteers are welcome to help plant trees.
Let's keep our scenic & historic country roads beautiful.
blackswampcreeklandtrust@gmail.com or Joanne-301-502-3261

Neighborhood Trash Pick Up

Please take a moment to pick up the trash in our neighborhoods and along our roads while we plant our trees before the summer greenery takes over and hides the trash.
Another step to keep our roadsides beautiful.