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On-Going Affiliations and Projects

 What is happening Now 

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Village of Brandywine Sidewalk Improvement Plan    â€‹

The Village of Brandywine dates to the early 19th century, and still has some
characteristics of a small rural community. New planned developments will bring added housing, employment, and recreational opportunities to the area. There is a need to provide safe, accessible pedestrian and bicycle connections through the village and to new destinations such as the Southern Area Aquatics and Recreation Complex recently constructed on Missouri Avenue.
Black Swamp Creek Land Trust, Inc. requested engineering and design plans that will balance the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists and shape an environment that ensures bicycle and pedestrian circulation and safety for a 1.1-mile section of MD 381 (Brandywine Road), the main street of Old Brandywine Village, and approximately 0.83 miles northward along Missouri Avenue to US 301 (Crain Highway). Brandywine Road is a designated scenic and historic road, and all strategies for pedestrian, bicycle, and green infrastructure will need to be sensitive to and appropriate for its status. This report describes the goals, considerations, and recommendations for the 30% preliminary design and engineering plans and construction cost estimate developed for the Brandywine Sidewalk & Streetscape
Improvements Project. This project was funded through the Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) Program administered by the Prince George’s County Planning Department.

Southern MD Conservation Alliance 


Black Swamp Creek Land Trust has joined other regional land trusts to become an affiliate member of Southern Maryland Conservation Alliance. As an affiliate we work to develop regional solutions to ‘conserve working farms, forested lands, rivers and streams, and significant historical, natural, scenic, and recreational resources’. The network and connectivity of conserved areas is vital to the wildlife and health of the region and requires that local groups work together with shared purpose; to support a diverse habitat for native fish and wildlife and to maintain resilience in the face of development and climate change. As part of a large group we will have a louder voice to speak for the preservation of farms and green open spaces whenever they are threatened and combined resources to promote balanced and sustainable development for Prince George’s county and the region.

Annual Water Blitz

Creation of Southern Maryland Wildlife Refuge Area

Identification of properties for Conservation Easement or Park land


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Maryland Environmental Trust 


Black Swamp Creek Land Trust is a cooperative partner with the Maryland Environmental Land Trust (MET). In qualifying for this partnership we submitted documents that verify our good standing with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, adopted Records Retention and Conflict of Interest policies and resolved to adopt the Land Trust Alliance’s Standards and Practices policy.  We intend to strengthen and grow our Trust to meet the needs of southern Prince George's county conservation easement activity and to boost its potential at this critical time for the region and planet.

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